Tuesday, 6 November 2012

The Law of Success: Summary (Pt 2)

6.      Imagination
Imagination is the key to mastering all of the other lessons in the course (i.e., Definite Chief Aim, Self-confidence, Leadership, etc.)
Imagination is the workshop of the human mind wherein old ideas and established facts may be reassembled into new combinations and put to new uses. The modern dictionary defines imagination as follows:
            “The act of constructive intellect in grouping the materials of knowledge or thought into new, original and rational systems; the constructive or creative faculty; embracing the poetic, artistic, philosophic, scientific and ethical imagination”
The major trouble with this world today lies in our lack of understanding of the power of imagination, for if we understood this great power we could use it as a weapon with which to wipe out poverty and misery and injustice and persecution, and this could be done in a single generation
Just as the oak tree develops from the germ that lies in the acorn, and the bird develops from the germ so will your material achievements grow out of the organized plans that you create in your imagination.
Virtually all great accomplishments began in someone's imagination-imagination can do the impossible. The key idea of this lesson is this-use your imagination to rearrange old ideas into new combinations. For maximum achievement, you must mix effort with imagination. This is an area where your master mind group is especially helpful.

7.      Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm is a state of mind that inspires and arouses one to put action into the task at hand. It does more than this- it is contagious, and vitally affects not only the enthusiast, but all with whom he comes in contact.
How it will affect you
Mix enthusiasm with your work and it will not seem hard or monotonous. Enthusiasm will so energize your entire body that you can get along with less than half the usual amount of sleep and at the same time it will enable you to perform from two to three times as much work as you usually perform in a given period.
The procedure through which it may be developed is as follows; it begins by the doing of the work or rendering of the service which one likes best. If you should be so situated that you cannot or conveniently engage in the work which you like best, for the time being, then you can proceed along another line very effectively by adopting a definite chief aim that contemplates your engaging in that particular work at some future time.
How it will affect others
Your enthusiasm will affect others through the method of suggestion; this is the principle through which your words and your acts and even your state of mind influence others.
Your thoughts constitute the most important of the three ways in which you apply the principle of suggestion, for the reason that they control the tone of your words and, to some extent at least, your actions. If your thoughts and your actions and your words harmonize, you are bound to influence those with whom you come in contact, more or less toward your way of thinking. Suggestion differs from Auto-suggestion only in one way—we may use it, consciously or unconsciously, when we influence others, while we use Auto-suggestion as a means influencing ourselves.
To Master Enthusiasm
1st: Read remaining chapters because they are all co-ordinated
2nd: Write out your definite chief aim in clear, simple language, and follow this by writing out a plan through which the plan through which you intend to transform your aim into reality.
3rd: Read over the description of your definite chief aim each night, just before retiring, and as you read, see yourself (in your imagination) in full possession of the object of your aim. Do this with FULL FAITH in your ability to transform your definite chief aim into reality. Read aloud, with all the ENTHUSIASM at your command, emphasising every word. Repeat this reading until the small voice within you tells you that your purpose will be realized. If you prefer to do so you may read your definite chief aim as a prayer.

8.      Self-Control
“Don’t say, “It can’t be done,” or that you are different from these and thousands of others who have achieved note-worthy success in every worthy calling. If you are “different,” it is only in this respect: THEY DESIRED THE OBJECT OF THEIR ACHIEVEMENT WITH MORE DEPTH AND INTENSITY THAN YOU DESIRE YOURS.”
Enthusiasm is the vital quality that arouses you to action, while self-control is the balance wheel that directs your action so that it will build and not destroy. To be a person who is well “balanced” you must be a person in whom enthusiasm and self-control are equalized. The author took a survey of 160,00 prison inmates and found that 92% lacked the necessary self-control to direct their energies constructively, no doubt all people who refuse or neglect to exercise self-control are literally turning away opportunity after opportunity without knowing it.
Self-Control is a matter of thought control!
You have within your control the power to select the material that constitutes the dominating thoughts of your mind, and just as surely as you are reading these lines, those thoughts which dominate your mind will bring to you success or failure, according to their nature. THEREFORE you should place in your mind, through the method of auto-suggestion, the positive, constructive thoughts which harmonize with your definite chief aim in life, and that mind will transform those thoughts into physical reality and hand them back to you, as a finished product.
This is thought control!
By developing self-control you develop, also, other qualities that will add to your personal power. Among other laws which are available to the person who exercises self-control is the Law of Retaliation. In the sense that we are using here it means “return like for like”.
If I do you an injury you retaliate at first opportunity. If I say unjust things about you, you will retaliate in kind, even in greater measure! On the other hand, if I do you a favour you will reciprocate even in greater measure if possible.
Through the proper use of this law I can get you to do whatever I wish you to do. If I wish you to dislike me and to lend your influence toward damaging me, I can accomplish this by inflicting upon you the sort of treatment that I want you to inflict upon me through retaliation. If I wish your respect, your friendship and your co-operation I can get these by extending to you my friendship and co-operation.

9.      Habit of Doing More Than Paid For
“You have the good judgement to make yourself so useful that the person to whom you sell your services cannot get along without you”
There are two reasons for rendering such as service which transcend in importance all the others; namely.
1st: By establishing a reputation as being a person who always renders more service and better service than that for which you are paid, you will benefit by comparison with those around you who do not render such service, and the contrast will be so noticeable that there will be keen competition for your services, no matter what your life-work may be. Whether you are preaching sermons, practicing law or otherwise you will become more valuable and you will be able to command greater pay the minute you gain recognition as a person who does more than that for which he is paid.
2nd: By far the most important reason why you should render more service than that in this way: Suppose that you wished to develop a strong right arm, and suppose that you tried to do so by tying the arm to your side with a rope, thus taking it out of use and giving it a long rest. Would disuse bring strength, or would it bring atrophy and weakness, resulting, finally in your being compelled to have the arm removed? You know that if you wished a strong right arm you could develop such an arm only by giving it the hardest sort of use. Out of resistance comes strength!
The author suggest to readers to do the following experiment:
During the next 6 months make it your business to render such useful service to at least one person every day for which you neither expect nor accept monetary pay. Read Emerson’s essay on compensation for it will go a long way in helping you understand why you are conducting the experiment.
Make it your business to render more service and better service than that for which you are paid and lo! Before you realize what had happened, you will find that THE WORLD IS WORLD IS WILLINGLY PAYING YOU FOR MORE THAN YOU DO!

10.      Pleasing Personality
Take a keen interest in other people and in their work, business or profession. Make it your business to study other people closely enough to find something about them or their work that you really admire, only in this way can you develop a personality that will be irresistibly attractive.
To have a pleasing personality you must have good character and the way to build good character is by doing the following:
1st: Select those whose characteristics were made up of the qualities which you wish to build into your own character (your idols eg- Henry Ford, Bob Marley, Steve Jobs etc), and then proceed, in the manner described in Lesson One, to appropriate these qualities, through the aid of Auto-suggestion. Create, in your imagination, a council table and gather your characters around it each night, first having written out a clear, concise statement of the particular qualities that you wish to appropriate from each. Then proceed to affirm or suggest to yourself, in outspoken, audible words, that you are developing the desired qualities in yourself.
2nd: At least a dozen times a day, when you have a few minutes to yourself, shut your eyes and direct your thoughts to the figures which you have selected to sit at your imaginary council table; and feel, with a faith that knows NO LIMITATION, that you ARE actually growing to resemble in character those figures of your choice.
3rd: Find at least one person each day, and more if possible, in whom you see some good quality that is worthy of praise and praise it. Remember however that this praise must not be in the nature of cheap, insincere flattery; it must be genuine.
Let us now summarize the chief factors which enter into the development of an attractive personality:
1st: Form the habit of interesting yourself in other people; and make it your business to find their good qualities and speak of them in terms of praise.
2nd: Develop the ability to speak with force and conviction, both in your ordinary conversational tones and before public gatherings, where you must use more volume.
3rd: Cloth yourself in a style that is becoming to your physical build and the work in which you are engaged.
4th: Develop a positive character, through the aid of the formula outlined above.
5th: Learn how to shake hands so that you express warmth of feeling and enthusiasm through this form of greeting.
6th: Attract other people to you by first “attracting yourself” to them.
7th: Remember that your only limitation, within reason, is the one which YOU set up in YOUR OWN MIND. 

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